Hybrids: Beetlevase

To test transfer learning against my new StyleGAN2 model, I looked for a dataset with similar symmetry and color range as the vases dataset. I happened upon this tweet by Karim Douïeb which led me to a beautiful set of photos which were perfectly suited for my purpose, "Beetles of the World" by Udo Schmidt. (Licensed CC BY-SA 2.0)

After just training 60 Kimg using the vases 10,000 Kimg model, StyleGAN2 was already producing beautiful beetles. After 180 Kimg the results were so good that I just stopped training.

Beetles dataset of ~4000 images trained for only 60 Kimg against the 10,000 Kimg vases model.

Same Beetles dataset after training for 180 Kimg.

Selected beetle samples at 180 Kimg, 𝜓 0.8


Generating unholy hybrids. Transfer learning with StyleGAN2, a vase model, and a beetle dataset.

Beetle/Vase hybrids created using transfer learning. 60 Kimg, 𝜓 1.2




Transfer Learning: Ancient Greek Vases